Facebook Pixel Setup

How to Install Facebook pixel base code:

  1. In Facebook Click Actions and Choose Events Manager

  2. If you have a ready to use Pixel. Copy and Save it for later .

  3. If you have not created a pixel ID, start by Clicking Connect Data Sources

  4. Choose Web and Click Get Started

  5. Then Click on Facebook pixel and Get started

6. A page requiring some details will pop up, Fill it and then click Continue

7. After clicking continue, Choose Manually Install the Tag Yourself, the tag will then show

8. From the above tag you will find your Pixel ID, Copy this Number to Paste it in your Appgain project settings data.

Adding Pixel Code to Your Appgain Project:

  1. Login into Appgain Dashboard
  2. Select your Project

  3. From the sidebar Go Down to project settings

  4. Click on Project Settings /Basic Settings /Integrations and click edit

  5. In the Facebook pixel tracking ID Add your Facebook pixel ID, then Click Save

Activating the Tracking Codes:

1. When creating a smart deeplink, in the final configuration stage. Activate all the pixels that you wish to be tracked by Appgain dashboard and then publish your link

Now you will have Appgain Dashboard recording data from your configured Facebook Pixel