Getting Started

This Tutorial aims to teach the user how to integrate his iOs app with cloud using SDK and how to use the products.

Required For Setup

Generate P12 Credentials

Before Setting up the iOs SDK, you must generate the appropriate credentials for the platform you are releasing on:


  • Install SDK throw swift package Manager

1- In Xcode use File » swift Packages » Add Package Dependency… to add a new dependency:

2- add appgain url

3- Leave the default version settings - the library will be updated until the next major release:

4- Only add the Appgain product to the app target (Appgain-rich also includes an optional integration for your rich remote notification target)

5- The library will be set up in the project and appear in the Project Navigator:

import Appgain

import Appgain_rich

  • Install SDK from cocoa pod

cd your-application-directory

pod init.

  • Navigate to project directory will find podFile

  • Open it and add

pod ‘Appgain’.

  • press ctrl + S

pod update

Wait until pod finish install.

  • Open your project from your-application.xcworkspace

  • Configure SDK in the app delegate.

  • Allow the application to access the network by adding this in the plist file.






  • You need to add your URL schema and Associated domain for your app, the value will be : or your custom domain if you have configured it in project settings


  • In AppDelegate.h, add

import <Appgain/Appgain.h>

  • In AppDelegate.m , Inside didFinishLaunchingWithOptions add below code

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

//You have two with return closer

[Appgain initialize:<#(NSString *)#> apiKey:<#(NSString *)#> subDomain:<#(NSString *)#> trackUserForAdvertising:<#(BOOL)#> whenFinish:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *error)onComplete#>]

//or you can use this

return YES;



  • Create <project-name -Bridging-Header.h

add this on it

#import <Appgain/Appgain.h>

  • Inside didFinishLaunchingWithOptions

Appgain.initialize(<#T##projectId: String!##String!#>, apiKey: <#T##String!#>, subDomain: <#T##String!#>, trackUserForAdvertising: <#T##Bool#>, whenFinish: <#T##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)

Apple IDFA Tracking Setup

  • Allow the application to access the IDFA by adding this in the plist file.
    <string>Privacy of our platform users is extremely important and we at Customer App are committed to protecting the same. Your personal information is collected  only to understand your journey within the platform and as a part of the search process.</string>

  • add following code

This function is advised on the first app launch to ensure the value is captured. The prompt only shows if the app is a fresh install and the user consent status is unknown.
For the majority of applications, only enable tracking if the status is authorized on becoming active (new in iOS 15), as below:
import AppTrackingTransparency

class AppDelegate: UIApplicationDelegate {

    func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ application: UIApplication) {
        if #available(iOS 14, *) {
            ATTrackingManager.requestTrackingAuthorization { status in
                switch status {
                    case .authorized:
                        print("enable tracking")
                    case .denied:
                        print("disable tracking")
                        print("disable tracking")
  • NOTE: UI Logic needs to be wrapped on the DispatchQueue.main queue because the completion block currently executes on a concurrent DispatchQueue.
  • After Granted Permission for Tracking we need to call update user data by using function updateUserData(_:)

Deferred Deep Linking

After a new user has installed your app, our SDK will detect if the app was installed from a smart deep link or not, if it's then our SDK will automatically route their flow to marketing campaign desired location in the app (not just to the default home screen).

To achieve that, SDK must be installed in the app, and the matching process must be initiated


[Appgain matchLink:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *error)onComplete#>]


Appgain.matchLink(<#T##onComplete: ((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)

You can send your app internal userId, or just send an empty string

Micro Pages Creation


  • create an array of your image slider

  • if you want to create a single page, you can send only one image

NSArray *imagesUrl = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: !<your_image_url>, nil];

  • create buttons that you want to appear

MobileLandingPageButton *button1 = [[MobileLandingPageButton alloc]

initWithTitle: <title-for-your-button>

iosTarget: <your-iOS-trigger-point>

andAndroid: <your-android-point-trigger>

andWeb: <your-we-trigger-point>];

  • create social media buttons with it is the target

SocialmediaSettings *socialMediaSetting = [[SocialmediaSettings alloc]




  • create a landing page object

MobileLandingPage *tempLandingPage = [[MobileLandingPage alloc]

initWithLogo: <logo-image-url>

andHeader: <landing-page-header>

andParagraph: <landing-page-header>


andButtons: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: button1,nil]



andSubscription: <your-subscription>

andimage: <image-url>

andlabel: <lable--text>;

  • Request invoke landing page creation

[Appgain createLandingPage:<#(MobileLandingPage *)#> whenFinish:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *error)onComplete#>]

  • Results come back from background thread to the main thread direct, now need to request in the background thread.


  • create buttons that you want to appear

let button1 : MobileLandingPageButton = MobileLandingPageButton(

title: <title- text>,

iosTarget: <ios-target-url>,

andAndroid: <mobile-android-target>,

andWeb: <web-target-url>)

  • create social media buttons with the target

let socialMediaSetting : SocialmediaSettings = SocialmediaSettings.init(

title: <TITLE-TEXT>,

andDescription: <settting-description-text>,

andImage: <image-url>)

  • create a landing page object

let landingObject : MobileLandingPage = MobileLandingPage.init(logo: <logo-url>,

andHeader: <header-text>,

andParagraph: <paragraph-text>,

withSliderUrlImages: <images-urls-array>,

andButtons: <buttons-array>,

andSocialMediaSetting: <social-media-settingobject>,

language: <language-des>,

andSubscription: <subscription-text>,

andimage: <image-url-text>,

andlabel: <label-text>)

  • Request creating landing page from SDK:

Appgain.createLandingPage(<#T##landingPage: MobileLandingPage!##MobileLandingPage!#>, whenFinish: <#T##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)

Marketing Automation

Send Automated and Personalized Push notifications, SMS, or Emails based on your user’s actions and behavior using Apggain’s Powerful Automator, Know More Now!

  1. Create an auto message in Appgain Dashboard.

  2. Fire the auto message by using this code.

  3. you must use the same trigger event that was entered in step 1, as the TriggerPoint in the following code.


[Appgain fireAutomator:<#(NSString *)#> personalizationData:<#(NSMutableDictionary *)#> whenFinish:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *error)onComplete#>]


Appgain.fireAutomator(<#T##triggerPoint: String!##String!#>, personalizationData: <#T##NSMutableDictionary!#>, whenFinish: <#T##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)

Revenue Tracking

you can add new Purchase Transactions object by using the following snippet :


[Appgain logPurchase:<#(NSString *)#> withAmount:<#(double)#> forCurrency:<#(NSString *)#> whenFinish:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *error)onComplete#>]


Appgain.logPurchase(<#T##productName: String!##String!#>, withAmount: <#T##Double#>, forCurrency: <#T##String!#>, whenFinish: <#T##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)

Custom Events Tracking

at your app whenever you want to log AppEvent, add the following snippet :


[Appgain logEvent:<#(NSString *)#> andAction:<#(NSString *)#> extras:<#(NSDictionary *)#> whenFinish:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *error)onComplete#>]


Appgain.logEvent(<#T##event: String!##String!#>, andAction: <#T##String!#>, extras: <#T##[AnyHashable : Any]!#>, whenFinish: <#T##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)

Smart Deep Link Creation

Add your smart deep link values:

  • Name: give an identifier for your smart deep link; you might want to use it when creating a deep page.

  • Description: describe your smart link for social representation.

  • Android target: when your smart link is opened from an android device, you have to choose a primary link for the users to be directed to, and in case this primary link is not working, the secondary link should open.

  • IOS target: when your smart link is opened from iOS device, you have to choose a primary link for the users to be directed to, and in case this primary link is not working, the secondary link should open.

Note that both the primary and fallback links are mandatory. Also they can be just simple URLS or deep links.

  • Web URL: when your smart link is opened from a PC, you have to choose where does the smart link shall direct the user.


  • create target objects for different platform (ios,android,web)

TargetPlatform *web = [[TargetPlatform new] initWithPrimary: < withFallBack:@""];

TargetPlatform *android = [[TargetPlatform new] initWithPrimary:<> withFallBack:<>];

TargetPlatform *ios = [[TargetPlatform new] initWithPrimary:< withFallBack: <];

// best things to know you donot need to worry about thread add this thing run in background thread

//and response and result come back to you in main thread to update for user data.

  • create smart link object

SmartDeepLink *smartObject = [[SmartDeepLink new] initWithHeader:<header_text>







[smartObject setSlug:@“your slug”]; ///optional

[Appgain createSmartLink:<#(SmartDeepLink *)#> whenFinish:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *error)onComplete#>]


let webTarget : TargetPlatform = TargetPlatform.init(primary: <your_primary> ,

withFallBack: <fallback_of_it>)

let smartObject : SmartLinkObject = SmartDeepLink.init(header: <header_string>,

andImage: <image_url>,

andDescription: <description_url>,


iosTarget: <TargetPlatform_ios>,

androidTarget: <TargetPlatform_android>,

webTarget: <TargetPlatform_web>)

Appgain.createSmartLink(<#T##linkObject: SmartDeepLink!##SmartDeepLink!#>, whenFinish: <#T##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)

Push Notification Setup

Push Token Registration

  • Enable push notification : Capabilities -> Push Notifications -> ON

  • add following functions in the App Delegate

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

//MARK: setting for push notification


UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];

[center requestAuthorizationWithOptions:(UNAuthorizationOptionSound | UNAuthorizationOptionAlert | UNAuthorizationOptionBadge) completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError * _Nullable error){


dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications];





else {

UIUserNotificationType userNotificationTypes = (UIUserNotificationTypeAlert | UIUserNotificationTypeBadge | UIUserNotificationTypeSound);

UIUserNotificationSettings *settings = [UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:userNotificationTypes categories:nil];

[application registerUserNotificationSettings:settings];

[application registerForRemoteNotifications];



- (void)registerApplicationForPushNotifications:(UIApplication *)application


// Set up push notifications

// For more information about Push, check out:

if ([application respondsToSelector:@selector(registerForRemoteNotifications)]) {

// Register device for iOS8

UIUserNotificationSettings *notificationSettings = [UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:UIUserNotificationTypeAlert | UIUserNotificationTypeBadge | UIUserNotificationTypeSound categories:nil];

[application registerUserNotificationSettings:notificationSettings];

[application registerForRemoteNotifications];

} else {

// Register device for iOS7

[application registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert | UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound | UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge];



-(void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken{

[Appgain RegisterDeviceWithToken:<#(NSData *)#>]


Appgain.registerDevice(withToken: <#T##Data!#>)


  • for receive remote notification you need to add both of two method so you can track your notifications open.

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler:(nonnull void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult))completionHandler{

///that call notification track automatic inside it whit status that is opened.


[Appgain handlePush:<#(NSDictionary *)#> forApplication:<#(UIApplication *)#>]


Appgain.handlePush(<#T##userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]!##[AnyHashable : Any]!#>, for: <#T##UIApplication!#>)

/// to handle url form notification content


[NSString* url = [userInfo objectForKey:@"url"];
 [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url]];}

    if let url = userInfo["url"] as? String{
        if  let urll = URL(string: url){
 { (result) in



-(void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo{

///that call notification track automatic inside it whit status that is opened.

[Appgain handlePush:<#(NSDictionary *)#> forApplication:<#(UIApplication *)#>]


import UserNotifications

func registerForPushNotifications() {
if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
// For iOS 10 display notification (sent via APNS)
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self
let authOptions: UNAuthorizationOptions = [.alert, .badge, .sound]
options: authOptions,
completionHandler: {_, _ in })
} else {
let settings: UIUserNotificationSettings =
UIUserNotificationSettings(types: [.alert, .badge, .sound], categories: nil)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
DispatchQueue.main.async {


func application(_ application: UIApplication,didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data) {

let tokenParts = { data in String(format: "%02.2hhx", data) }

let token = tokenParts.joined()

print("Device Token: \(token)")

Appgain.registerDevice(withToken: deviceToken)


func application(_ application: UIApplication,didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: Error) {

print("Failed to register: \(error)")


func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]) {

Appgain.handlePush(userInfo, for: application)


@available(iOS 10.0, *)
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any], fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> Void) {


Appgain.handlePush(userInfo, for: application)

  • Silent Push Notification Handling


if (!userInfo[@"alert"]){ //check that alert nill which mean that push is silent

if ([userInfo[@"op"] isEqualToString:@"<! value of key you set it in dashborad >"]){




if (!userInfo[@"alert"]){ //check that alert nill which mean that push is silent

if (userInfo[@"op"] == "<! value of key you set it in dashborad >"){



  • To allow notification banner appear while app open


-(void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions options))completionHandler{
    NSLog(@"User Info : %@",notification.request.content.userInfo);
    completionHandler(UNAuthorizationOptionSound | UNAuthorizationOptionAlert | UNAuthorizationOptionBadge);
    [Appgain handlePush:notification.request.content.userInfo forApplication:NULL];


@available(iOS 10.0, *)
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {


let userInfo = notification.request.content.userInfo

Appgain.handlePush(userInfo, for: nil)


Rich Notification

this integration is optional , if not done then Video,HTML,GIF Push will not work

  • Add Notification Service Extension : go to your xcodeproj in xcode --->

Add Target -->

Notification Service Extension >Next > Finish > Activate Scheme Content

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • Add Notification Content Extension: Add Target -->

Notification Content Extension >Next > Finish > Activate Scheme Content

  • Configure category for your notification extension:

Go to your Content target folder --> info.plist , and add below content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

  • also need to modify MainInterface.storyboard change NotificationViewController window size to be height 300 and remove all outlet form it

  • Go to your Service target folder --> info.plist , and add below content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

  • Add UNNotificationExtensionDefaultContentHidden and set it to true to show only our custom view controller in the notification interface.

  • install by swift package manger

1- need to add product Appgain-rich form SPM you installed already before in start form this url

2- add to one of target

3- another target you can link it from General --> Frameworks and Libraries

import Appgain_rich
  • Install pods

open you workspace pod file add the following to it

target ‘#your content target #’

pod 'Appgain-Rich'


target ‘#your service target #’

pod 'Appgain-Rich'


  • Setting your extension files


add import #import <Appgain-Rich/AppgainRich.h>

inside (NotificationViewController.h , NotificationService.h)


import Appgain_Rich

  • Go file NotificationViewController.m and add below code :

- (void*)didReceiveNotification:(UNNotification *)notification {

self.label.text = notification.request.content.body;

// add this line


[AppgainRich didReceiveNotification:notification inViewController:self];



func didReceive(_ notification: UNNotification) {

self.label?.text = notification.request.content.body

AppgainRich.didReceive(notification, in: self)


  • Go file NotificationService.m and add below code :

- (void*)didReceiveNotificationRequest:(UNNotificationRequest *)request withContentHandler:(**void** (^)(UNNotificationContent * **_Nonnull**))contentHandler {

self.contentHandler = contentHandler;

self.bestAttemptContent = [request.content mutableCopy];

// Modify the notification content here..

self.bestAttemptContent.title = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", self.bestAttemptContent.title];

//add rich notification SDK handle

[AppgainRich didReceiveNotificationRequest:request andNotificationContent:_bestAttemptContent withContentHandler:contentHandler];




override func didReceive(_ request: UNNotificationRequest, withContentHandler contentHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationContent) -> Void) {

self.contentHandler = contentHandler

bestAttemptContent = (request.content.mutableCopy() as? UNMutableNotificationContent)

if let bestAttemptContent = bestAttemptContent {

// Modify the notification content here...

bestAttemptContent.title = "\(bestAttemptContent.title) [modified]"

AppgainRich.didReceive(request, andNotificationContent: bestAttemptContent, withContentHandler: contentHandler)




Push Conversion Tracking

Stay informed of user flow and make further improvements based on detailed real-time conversion metrics, the following events are tracked :

  • received: android only users who got the push

  • dismissed: android only users who rejected the push and didn’t open it

  • open: users opened the push

  • conversion: users performed the conversion action, it's recorded either automatically when your App record purchase transaction (Revenue Tracking ) or by using the below code.

  • There two statuses of notification




[Appgain recordPushStatus:[NotificationStatus.Opened] userInfo:<#(NSDictionary *)#> whenFinish:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *error)onComplete#>]


AppGain.trackNotification(withAction: NotificationStatus.opened(),

andUserInfo: user-info) { (response, result,error) in


Appgain.recordPushStatus( NotificationStatus.opened(), userInfo: <#T##[AnyHashable : Any]!#>, whenFinish: <#T##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)

Create and Control notifications channels

you will find object for notification channels type

type use for channel to sent notification for mobile device throw app

[NotificationType SMS]

[NotificationType appPush]

[NotificationType email]

Create Notification Channels


[Appgain createNotificationChannel:<#(NSString *)#> withData:<#(NSString *)#> whenFinish:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *error)onComplete#>]


Appgain.createNotificationChannel(<#T##type: String!##String!#>, withData: <#T##String!#>, whenFinish: <#T##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)

Controll Notification Channels


[Appgain enableNotifications:<#(BOOL)#> forType:<#(NSString *)#> whenFinish:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *)onComplete#>]


Appgain.enableNotifications(<#T##isEnabled: Bool##Bool#>, forType: <#T##String!#>, whenFinish: <#T##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)

Update User ID

This useful to update all record for user with new user id and link it with your business server to keep every things connect together.

Steps to Follow:

update user id


[Appgain updateUserId:<your_new_user_id>];


Appgain.updateUserId(<#T##userId: String!##String!#>)

Set Custom User Attributes

This useful to update user data of add new records and keys for user

Steps to Follow:

update user data it takes user data ad dictionary key and value.


[Appgain updateUserData:<#(NSDictionary *)#> whenFinish:<#^(NSURLResponse *response, NSMutableDictionary *result, NSError *error)onComplete#>]


Appgain.updateUserData(<#T##userData: [AnyHashable : Any]!##[AnyHashable : Any]!#>, whenFinish: <#T##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##((URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void)!##(URLResponse?, NSMutableDictionary?, Error?) -> Void#>)