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The term "Event" encompasses all the user actions carried out when engaging with your mobile apps, website, and campaigns. It encompasses the various interactions and activities users perform throughout their journey, providing valuable insights into user behavior and engagement patterns. By tracking and analyzing these events, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of user preferences, optimize their apps or website, and make informed decisions to improve the overall user experience.

Tracking user actions, such as clicking on a product to view its details, is important for understanding user behavior. By tracking this action as the "Product Viewed" event, businesses can measure user engagement and their progress towards making a purchase. This enables personalized marketing strategies and improves the likelihood of converting users into customers.

Events are classified into 2 categories in Appgain:

  • System Events: Pre-defined by, automatically tracked for platforms post integration.
  • Custom Events: Defined by you for each platform and logged through the respective SDKs,Usually our Account Manager will recommend to you set of them during integration phase .

System Events

The following System Events are logged by Appgain Engine

Event type Action Values Keys Smartlink_id when ?
smart link open SDL URL + parameters object + location object +header object+userId [smart link Id - organic] when user open SDL
smart link matching SDL URL + parameters object + location object +header object+userId [smart link Id - organic] when app installation from SDL is detected
smart link deeplink opened SDL URL + parameters object + location object +header object+userId [smart link Id - organic] when app Open from SDL is detected
appInstalled [tracked - organic] if (tracked) {SDL URL + Extra parameters} [smart link Id - organic] when app installation is done , from any source
appUninstalled removed the app when app possibly removed
appUninstalled removed the app(BadDeviceToken) BadDeviceToken
appUninstalled removed the app(DeviceTokenNotForTopic) DeviceTokenNotForTopic
appUninstalled removed the app(InvalidParameters) InvalidParameters
appUninstalled removed the app InvalidRegistration
appUninstalled removed the app(MismatchSenderId) sender Id used to send android push is not matching the one used in the mobile App
appUninstalled removed the app(MissingDeviceToken) MissingDeviceToken
appUninstalled removed the app(NotRegistered) NotRegistered
appUninstalled removed the app(Unregistered) Unregistered
appOpen [from Deep Link-from Push - organic] [Smart Link ID - organic]
email received campaign name , campaign Id
email opened campaign name , campaign Id
email unsubscribe campaign name , campaign Id
email resubscribe campaign name , campaign Id
SMS received campaign name , campaign Id
appPush received campaign name , campaign Id [smart link Id - organic]
appPush open campaign name , campaign Id [smart link Id - organic]
appPush dismiss campaign name , campaign Id [smart link Id - organic]
appPush conversion campaign name , campaign Id [smart link Id - organic]
webPush received campaign name , campaign Id
automator trigger automessage Name , automessage Id On Automation Journey triggered
automator received automessage Name , automessage Id On Automation Journey message is received
automator open automessage Name , automessage Id track only appPush open
automator conversion automessage Name , automessage Id , conversion_value [smart link Id -organic] track only appPush conversion
purchase [from Deep Link - from Push - from automator organic] conversion_value , smartLink Id , campaign Id , Automation Id smartLink Id
landing page open URL